Glow in the Dark Car Rims are a popular product made using a Glow in the Dark Paint TAT 33. It is so easy to paint the rims using a glow paint that this luminous auto tuning technology becomes available for everyone.
As of today, you can choose from nine glow colors of the car rims and from a lot of shades. For example you can get red or orange glowing rims while being able to change the rims glow hue (rich red, warm red, pale red, etc.). Such a variety of glowing rims makes it possible to meet the needs of the most demanding customers.
One of the main advantages of the "glowing rims" technology is that you can apply a glow paint to any types of car rims. Just like when using LED's or cold neon, you can apply our self-luminous paint and luminescent pigment TAT 33 to alloy rims, chrome rims and others.
It happens often that a car owner wants to make his car rims glowing ones but he is afraid of changing their appearance too much. Not everyone will want to change the original color of their rims. There is a simple solution for this case, just use the basic colors of the glowing paint for rims or (green or light blue) luminescent pigment TAT 33. At this rate, you can get the luminous rims that glow green or light blue while the glowing lacquer on the wheel would be virtually invisible during the day.
When buying our car rims, you can choose from several glow colors:
Process of painting the rims with glowing paint consists of several simple stages:
1. Prepare the surface of a rim before painting it (clean off the grease and dust and perform egreasing).
2. Apply the primer layer (before you cover your wheels with glowing paint for rims)
3. Apply the Glow in the Dark Paint for Car Rims.
4. Cover the rim with a protective lacquer layer (it is necessary to make your glow in the dark rims more durable).
The technology of painting car rims gives every car owner a chance to literally make the glowing rims all by himself. At the same time the cost of the luminous rims will be quiet low. You will need 200-300 ml of our Glow in the Dark Paint TAT 33 to paint four 18-20 inches car rims.
By the way, you can choose from different paint options.
The first one is to buy a Glow in the Dark Powder TAT 33 of the desired color and add it to a transparent car varnish. In this case you will get a luminescent paint for rims that will cost less than a finished glowing paint for metal surfaces. These glowing compounds will have about the same quality. It can be explained by the fact that both options imply using the high quality Glow in the Dark Powder TAT 33 as a basic component. Finished glow paint for car rims is usually used when people don't have enough time (but more often just don't want to) to make a glowing varnish for rims themselves.
Here are the most frequently asked questions:
1. How long will the rims glow, when covered with luminescent paint or glow powder TAT 33?
The total glow time of the luminous paint is about 8-12 hours. In fact, Glow in the Dark Rims would be emitting the light for as long as they had been charging.
If your car had been parked near a lighted storefront for about an hour then the total glow duration will be up to 1 hour.
Important note. Glow in the Dark Powder TAT 33 is a high quality product, so you won't need to charge your glowing rims specifically before going somewhere by your car. Glow can be seen every time the car enters a less illuminated area.
This means your Glow in the Dark Car Rims will be showing their awesome feature even during the day, for example when your car drives into the tunnel, goes under the bridge, enters an underground parking lot, etc.
2. For how long would I be able to use these glowing rims?
Self-luminous car rims coating can be glowing for almost 200 years, however the service life depends mostly on the varnish fastness to which the Glow in the Dark Powder TAT 33 is added. Be sure, you will be able to drive a car with glowing rims for at least 10 years.
3. Is Glow in the Dark Paint TAT 33 for Car Rims better than cold neon or LED based luminous rims?
We answer - yes, it is. Covered with glowing paint TAT 33 Glow in the Dark Car Rims do not require any electricity to glow or special care.
Rims can be charged by any source of light, with no actions on your part. Glowing rims can be washed and wiped. They have the same properties as regular car rims.
4. What is special about your Glow in the Dark Paint TAT 33 for Car Rims and glow powder TAT 33?
The main features of our luminescent paint and Glow in the Dark Powder TAT 33 are their quality and efficiency.
Our product is a leader for its price/quality rate for many years already.
Just look at this situation the way we see it: it would've been funny to see a car owner that painted his car rims with cheap Chinese glow powder and didn't get any glow in result; in this case he won't be able to restore the original appearance of the rims.
Nothing like this can happen at our Company. Just try using our Glow in the Dark Powder TAT 33 or glowing paint and you'll have no doubts left.
It is worth to note that it is possible to bring some extra features to your glowing rims, like sparkling with various colors during the day (chameleon effect), glossy rims effect (interference) and different glow and day colors of a car rim.
We would be happy to assist you in reaching your goals.
Check out the other fields of using the glowing paint and Glow in the Dark Powder TAT 33...>>>