Glowing Concrete. Glow in the Dark stones

always new technologies
Glow paint TAT 33
Glow in the dark paint TAT 33, Glow paint TAT 33
"Glow in the Dark"
Glow in the Dark Paint
Glow Powder TAT 33
Fluorescent paint
Light-reflective paint
Glowing products
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In perspective

In the nearest time Noxton™ will offer absolutely new technology "Concrete 100", which has a number of properties attractive to buyers. Basic direction will be the manufacture of paving tiles. But in what features is the innovation of the given technology?
Paving tiles will not concede to a granite on the durability, to marble or opal (other natural stone) - on the decorative appearance, and the price of 1 sq. m. will be almost the same as for usual tiles, so-called "grey" tiles, and much lower, than the price for 1 sq. m., for example, of marble.
Nobody can offer such combination today!
It is necessary to notice, that the technology "Concrete 100" provides very high physicomechanical characteristics of manufactured products. For example, strength grade for compression are in the limits from B 40 and above to B 90, that corresponds to such marks of durability as M600-M1200 and higher. Produced paving tiles will have following characteristics:

  • do not dust, do not spark, do not accumulate electrostatic charges;
  • cold resistant;
  • noncombustible;
  • have advanced sound absorption;
  • have very low level of abradability (wearability) - 0,2 g/sm2;
  • steady against rotting, acids and alkalis etc.
In our opinion, products based on this technology will use huge popularity, considering present pace of building in the world, and also the price for similar products (usual paving tiles).
It is important to notice, that the paving tile is only one of the possible directions in the technology "Concrete 100". The quantity of available products is rather great: from a facing stone to fireplaces and monolithic fence sections.
It is interesting that this technology can be combined with another already existing - "Glow in the Dark". As a result, we will get a product with excellent properties and visual effect: each tile will remind some kind of natural stones, it'll be stronger than concrete, in the dark it will glow with high intensity - nonlosing decision.
In section "Photo gallery" you will find examples of glowing elements in building.

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